Can you please read through and fill out the form below.
If you are clear to come in for a treatment –Can you please wear a Facemask and bring a Towel and as few personal belongings as possible. We will ask you to wait outside until you are called/phoned.
There are no waiting room facilities allowed at present. Please use sanitiser upon entering and leaving the building. Anti-bacterial wipes will be used at various touch points at regular intervals.
All equipment and areas in the treatment room will be cleaned and wiped down between clients. Hand sanitiser will be used prior and during treatment session, the therapist will be wearing personal protection equipment, depending upon Government advice at the time.
If you are at all unsure of your health, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can advise you on the up-to-date Government requirements.
I have read and understood this form and wish to proceed to receive a Bowen Technique session with you at your clinic.
If you have any queries please contact us on:
Gerry: 07900 374 429
Maureen: 07775 897 615
If you are having any issues with this form then you can download the word doc version below, fill it in and email it back to us at:
DOWNLOAD: Client Covid 19 Pre Assessment Form